Planning targets:
Plan a better storyboard
In order to achieve a well-prepared and organized opening. I must use a variety of camera shots appropriate for the opening I will achieve this target by revising what type of camera shots there are, and also create costume that have useful connotations for the scene and characters.
Editing targets:
I must improve on my editing skills by thinking of ways to make the title for example, much more creative. For instance I could spend time using the software after school in order to learn more ways to use Borris to my advantage.
I must improve on my editing skills by thinking of ways to make the title for example, much more creative. For instance I could spend time using the software after school in order to learn more ways to use Borris to my advantage.
Filming targets:
I need be able to get familiar with the camera settings so it’s less time consuming when I go out to film. I will spend an hour every Friday with my group to discover the camera functions.