Planning targets:
My planning targets would be to storyboard better in terms of drawing a more fluent sequence. This was a problem when it came to filming because on camera it didn’t look right when one scene jumped to another. Another target for story boarding would be to use the correct colors to represent the genre.
My planning targets would be to storyboard better in terms of drawing a more fluent sequence. This was a problem when it came to filming because on camera it didn’t look right when one scene jumped to another. Another target for story boarding would be to use the correct colors to represent the genre.
Filming target:
My filming target would be to keep the camera steady and focus on the correct framing for effect. I will do this by booking a camera on a weekend and do some practice filming in order for me to get familiar with the camera and frame the correct shots.
My filming target would be to keep the camera steady and focus on the correct framing for effect. I will do this by booking a camera on a weekend and do some practice filming in order for me to get familiar with the camera and frame the correct shots.
Editing targets:
My editing target would be to for the title font and color to be more relative to the genre of the film for emphasis. I will spend more time deciding what colors and effects introduce the genre more. Another editing target is to use fade in and fade out more relevantly.
My editing target would be to for the title font and color to be more relative to the genre of the film for emphasis. I will spend more time deciding what colors and effects introduce the genre more. Another editing target is to use fade in and fade out more relevantly.