Tuesday 20th December 2011 - First day when we went out to film the shots without the actors present, but I, Salma went up and down the stairs and we used that. We went West field and the equipment we needed was just the camera and tri-pod.
Saturday 24th December - Another day we was going to shoot the actual film opening, we got all the actors/actresses but we came across problems with the camera so unfortunately we could not film. The equipment we booked out was the camera, tri-pod, the actresses/ actors and props.
Monday 9th January - We will take establishing shots of the outside of Westfield to show the collection. We will meet outside Stratford station at 8:45am prompt.
Saturday 14th January 2012 - This is the day we done our actual filming. Everything more or less went to plan but instead of Ruhel, we used Khurshed. Similarly, we booked out the camera, tri-pod and the actor/ actresses and the props and costume they were designated to wear. Thankfully everything went according to plan this day, however I might've slightly overcharged the camera so we had to charge it whilst filming.